Contributors to New Futures for Replicas: Principles and Guidance for Museums and Heritage are workshop attendees who commented on drafts, while the Reference Group includes other workshop attendees and people who we also contacted for advice. Finalising this document during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic presented unexpected challenges for everyone involved; the lead authors are particularly grateful to those who were able to continue to participate.
Lead authors
- Dr Sally Foster, Senior Lecturer in Heritage and Conservation, University of Stirling
- Professor Siân Jones, Professor of Heritage, University of Stirling
- Dr Sam Alberti, Keeper of Science and Technology, National Museums Scotland
- Dr Lucas Amkreutz, Curator Prehistoric Collections, National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) Leiden
- Dr Sue Brunning, Curator: European Early Medieval Collections, British Museum
- Neil Curtis, Head of Museums and Special Collections, University of Aberdeen
- Dr Jörg Drauschke, Chief Curator, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum – Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie, Mainz
- Hanna Forsell, Head of Public Programmes, National Museum of Finland
- Alison Hadfield, Ancient History and KE Specialist, School of Classics, University of St Andrews
- Dr Stuart Jeffrey, Reader, School of Simulation and Visualisation, Glasgow School of Art
- Sean Kinnear, PhD candidate, Glasgow School of Art
- Dr Rachel Moss, Associate Professor, History of Art and Architecture, Trinity College Dublin
- Colin Muir, Stone Conservator, Historic Environment Scotland
- J P Reid, Exhibitions & Interpretation Officer, Culture Perth & Kinross
- Dr Mark Redknap, Deputy Head of Archaeology Collections & Research, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales
- Valentina Risdonne, PhD candidate, Northumbria University/Victoria and Albert Museum
- Dr Susanne Turner, Curator, Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge
- Mark Watson, Deputy Head of Industrial Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland
Reference Group
- Dr Hugo Anderson-Whymark, Curator of Early Prehistory, National Museums Scotland
- Claire Banks, PhD candidate, University of Edinburgh
- Michael Ann Bevivino, Discovery Programme
- Dr Alice Blackwell, Senior Curator of Medieval Archaeology and History, National Museums Scotland
- Dr Louisa Campbell, LKAS Fellow in Archaeology, University of Glasgow
- Susan Denyer, Secretary, ICOMOS-UK
- Professor Bonnie Effros, Chaddock Chair of Economic and Social History, University of Liverpool
- J Anna Estaroth, PhD candidate, University of the Highlands and Islands
- Dr Martin Goldberg, Principal Curator of Medieval Archaeology and History, National Museums Scotland Andy Johnson, Archaeologist, Manx National Heritage
- Sarah Harper, PhD candidate, University of Stirling / National Museums Scotland
- Kate Johnson, University of Bradford
- Dr Matt Knight, Curator of Prehistory, National Museums Scotland
- Dr Nanouschka Myrberg Burström, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University
- Dr Cynthia Osiecki, Curator of Old Masters, National Museum for Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo
- Dr Angus Patterson, Senior Curator, Department of Sculpture, V&A Museum
- Dr Anne Pedersen, Curator and Senior Researcher, National Museum of Denmark
- Dr Greer Ramsay, Curator of Archaeology, National Museums Northern Ireland
- Dr John Raven, Deputy Head of Casework (Ancient Monuments): West, Historic Environment Scotland
- Dr Maeve Sikora, Keeper of Irish Antiquities, National Museum of Ireland
- Beth Spence, Regional Collections Manager, Historic Environment Scotland
- Tricia Weeks, Deputy Head of World Heritage: Antonine Wall Coordinator, Historic Environment Scotland
For help with reading list suggestions, we also thank Michael Ann Bevivino, Dr Murray Griffin, Alison Hadfield, Dr Stuart Jeffrey, Professor Mari Lending, Dr Eckart Marchand, Dr Nanouschka Myrberg Bürstom, Dr Kate Nichols, Dr Emma Payne, Johanna Puisto and Dr Rebecca Wade.
Image credits – see individual pages.
AbleMinds sponsored the leaflet design and website costs.
Image: National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden