The replica maker's mark of Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz on an object in the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden (c) National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden


Contributors to New Futures for Replicas: Principles and Guidance for Museums and Heritage are workshop attendees who commented on drafts, while the Reference Group includes other workshop attendees and people who we also contacted for advice. Finalising this document during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic presented unexpected challenges for everyone involved; the lead authors are particularly grateful to those who were able to continue to participate.

Lead authors


Reference Group

For help with reading list suggestions, we also thank Michael Ann Bevivino, Dr Murray Griffin, Alison Hadfield, Dr Stuart Jeffrey, Professor Mari Lending, Dr Eckart Marchand, Dr Nanouschka Myrberg Bürstom, Dr Kate Nichols, Dr Emma Payne, Johanna Puisto and Dr Rebecca Wade.

Image credits – see individual pages.

AbleMinds sponsored the leaflet design and website costs.

Image: National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden

Theme by the University of Stirling